Friday, October 22, 2010

Speech Disorders

Human beings express their selves orally through thoughts, feelings and ideas to each other in a series of complex movements by voice into specific, decodable sounds. Speech is precisely produced by coordinated muscle actions in the head, neck, chest and abdomen. Speech development is a process that requires years of practice. And during such process, a child learns how he can regulate the muscles to produce understand speech.

Knowledge and Research in speech have showed many people of different kinds suffering from multiple sorts of speech disorders but due to the awareness and associations the speech disorder has been taken care. The disorders of articulation among children were very frequent numerically. The types of speech disorders are stuttering, cluttering, Articulation, Dysprosody, Phonetic, Phonemic.

However, the research shows that experience in countries like Germany, Austria, and other Central European countries follow similar pattern among other Western nations. Stuttering is more frequent in northern countries, such as in Scandinavia which is in southern region. And further similar trends have been notices in the Far East. Emotional, functional and Non organic disorders of voice and speech reflect psychological tensions exerted by the environment because of this the vocal nodules, contact ulcer etc occurred with greater incidence in metropolitan areas which is comparatively less frequent in rural areas.

Dyslexia-Not an Abnormality!!

The term dyslexia is used to describe a learning disability affecting the acquisition of reading skills. In many cases there may be associated language, mathematical, attention and/or organizational difficulties. Studies suggest around 10% of the population are dyslexic. As the condition affects the educational progress and prospects of so many, there is, and has been, considerable research into possible causes, assessment techniques and remedial strategies.

Up until about 25 years ago, dyslexia was little known and less understood. Of course, there was approximately 10% of the population that suffered from dyslexia in some form and degree (same as now), but no one knew then, why these people were "different". There are many types of dyslexia, most involve difficulties in reading, in symbol manipulation, going from spoken to written speech, sounding out the spelling of words and/or knowing the pronunciation of each new word that one reads.

Today, there are still at least a couple of million undiagnosed adult dyslexics. Dyslexia symptoms are avoiding tasks or jobs that would require reading aloud or taking down notes, reading meters, etc. Many adult dyslexics are employed in jobs that are clearly below what their general level of intelligence would indicate.

Hence, it is important to know that dyslexia isn’t an abnormality, yet, it’s merely a learning disability which can be coped up with and an individual can hence lead a healthy life. There are many celebrities likewise, Tom Cruise, Abishek Bachan, Bill gates etc, who are dyslexic yet successful in their particular fields.

Transgender-The Third Gender.

Transgender is an umbrella term which consists of all, transsexuals, cross-dressers, gender queers, transvestites, drag kings and drag queens. Drag king is a person, usually females, who dress up like men mainly for public performance and drag queen is a male who dresses up like a female mainly for public performance. Transvestites are those people who adopt the dress, manner and sexual role of the opposite sex. Gender queer are those people whose gender identity is a combination of both the genders male and female.

These third gender individuals are famous for negative and positive reasons. They have to face Legal issues like “legally changing one’s sex” and “without a legal sex change a transgender is not allowed to marry a partner of their birth sex”. People transform into transgender in their teenage or in twenties. Teenage transgender face a lot of “discrimination, harassment and violence” from school and family but nowadays they have many support networks. They also face issue regarding “surgery and the use of hormones”. Transgender people have been able to get treated earlier now due to “gender identity disorder”.

There are some very famous transgender people like Sylvia Rivera an activist and Christine Jorgenson who was the first American who got sex-reassignment surgery. Transgender people are protected, supported and helped in many ways by various organizations. Amanda Leopore is a very famous transgender, who as preceding a male, was poor living in dire straits, while now after undergoing a sex-change operation is not only a famous actor, model, singer but also has currently launched her own cosmetic brand, which is indeed expensive. Lady Gaga, a well renowned singer is also a hermaphrodite i.e. also a form of transgender but she is indeed reputed, rich and has earned her space n spot in this biased world.

Transgender people have made their way up in the modern society and not only that even media is promoting them a lot these days and giving them a respectful status, for example in that show ugly betty the character of Alex-Alexis is a transgender. In Pakistan the head of She-male Foundation, Bobby Almas, although he’s not a transgender but he’s leading, supporting and promoting transgender in Pakistan. Moreover, due to his immense efforts and strive to gain some quota and a reputed position in society, a bill has been passed by the Supreme court of Pakistan to a lot them some money to work for their development, including schools, hospitals and work places.

As Judith Light said:

“You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender - people are people’’.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Militancy or Democracy?

Totalitarianism, military rule, that in other words can be regarded as a “one man show” i.e. unconstitutional form of Government is a worst form of rule that a country can face however, unfortunate as it has been in the case of a sixty-three years old country, Pakistan such episodes which lasted over almost decades, have recurred over numerous times. Though, now it almost seems like a fact that this very country can be ruled with steadiness merely under one such rule, since even egalitarian governments haven’t done much a benefit to the country, let alone the fact that, the founder of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam said:
“The armed forces are the servants of the people; you do not make the national policy, it is we the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out those tasks for which you are entrusted.”
Despite the verity that the very young country had been born with the agenda of democracy and the founder had been very clear about the function of the army in the government and the political matters relating the country but, Pakistan has undergone many military rules, starting from General Ayub Khan till date when General Musharraf finally gave away his chair and placement as the president of the country.
Now the question here rises that which government can be best suited for Pakistan? Since, democracy is just for the namesake and the military rule hasn’t done much either.

The Quit India Movement

All through the British rule in the subcontinent, the inhabitants of the “land of the spices” had faced oppression and a standard of a second class citizen. Not only had they undergone a political repression but also social and academic suppressions. Nevertheless, at that time, leaders like Jinnah, Gandhi, sir syed Ahmed khan. Etc. apprehend the vital necessity of the time and enhanced their knowledge spans and took a stand to struggle adjacent to the British totalitarianism and to create consciousness and to facilitate the inhabitants of the subcontinent realize the importance of education and unity among themselves. Hence, such they mobilized people by calling movements for the cause of the rights of the locals and to demonstrate to the British, that they wanted to exonerate of their tyranny.
The “Quit India Movement” was also a consequential aggression towards the British, who had entered the subcontinent into the uproar of the third world war, where, the Indians had little to do, except serving as the vanguard for the British in the war and contribute manpower. Conversely, this movement has been the utmost of all times and it wouldn’t be erroneous to call it a principal endeavor to seek independence from the repressive British rule, however, in rather a passive way, after the War of independence 1857, though seen as  a “great mutiny” by the British.
This Quit India Movement (Bharat Chhodo Andolan) was an absolute call and the definitive organized movement of civil disobedience by the Gandhi-led congress party, which demanded instantaneous withdrawal of the British from the subcontinent and forming it as an independent state, on August 9, 1942 and made famous by his slogans Do or Die (Karenge Ya Marenge in Hindi) and No Violence (Ahimsa). Moreover, it demanded a full fledge power of the government of the state to be in the hands of the local leaders lone and not with the British. This showed the urge of the people of the subcontinent to be independence. However, this movement was rather congress orientated as Muslim League or any other minority parties didn’t demonstrate much of an interest in this very movement.
The Quit India Movement was undoubtedly the most tremendous movement led by Gandhi in the history of the Sub continent. India was at the very threshold of Independence by the end of this Movement. Though, Gandhi proclaimed it to be non-violent movement conversely, the consequence was the opposite. Not only that the movement met a failure at the end due to the British repression, however, it was significant that no other party responded to Gandhi’s call. Muslim league under Jinnah remained aloof from the movement and did not render any support.

“The Winner Stands Alone-Book Review”

Paulo Coelho’s writing has inspired intrigued and entertained millions of people around the world. Now he is back with an ultimate dream of love. His book “The winner stands alone” is one of his masterpieces. In this book he has shared the ups and downs of the entertainment industry. He has described the true emotions of each and every person linked to the entertainment world, their dreams, wants, desires and aim to achieve higher and higher and the level of pride, envy, jealousy and deceive that they hols for each other.
He has written the story from the view of a psychotic, crazy in love millionaire, Igor Mallev, whose wife left him for a wealthy fashion designer and he seeks revenge from the whole world to get her attention and to win her back. For a man of cold intelligence and rare intensity and this is to be a no ordinary reconciliation. He aims to destroy other worlds in the path of love.
All in all, on the dilemma of love, hatred, envy and jealousy, Coelho has brilliantly depicted each emotion in his script. This book is a must read and with “The Winner Stands Alone” he has brought his remarkable gift for story telling t the darker side of celebrity, wealth and excess and how the world we live in can distort the truths in our hearts.

Understanding Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a thinking to think what in your thinking about what one is thinking. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.
Critical thinking is that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them. Critical thinking includes standards, elements and traits. The elements are the purpose, point of view, questions, implications, inferences, information, assumptions, conclusions and concepts.
Critical thinking is, in short, self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem solving abilities and a commitment to overcome our native egocentrism.
Hence, understanding of critical thinking is highly important and hat is just not for the sake of just passing the course but to build its understanding in real.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paris Peace Conference and World War 2

Paris peace conference was attended by the major powers of the world aftermath the WWW1. It marked an important step towards statehood for the British Dominions, which demanded, and received, representation independent of Britain. The various treaties that emerged were extremely problematic and proved a tremendous burden for subsequent stability in Europe. This was essentially the result of incompatible, and self-contradictory, goals of the victorious powers.
The conference was by far the worst of all as, new states were created in an effort to take account of nationality and initial frictions were, perhaps, inevitable. Secondly, Wilson's ideas for a ‘just’ peace clashed fundamentally with the French position, which was to punish Germany so severely that it could never start another war. Thirdly, British aims hovered somewhere between the French and the American positions. While Britain did manage to moderate the demands of the other two countries, notably France, its lack of alternative vision did little to enhance the conference's outcome.
Thus in my perspective, the conference met a failure. It produced the worst of all worlds, with nationalistic conflicts left unresolved. At the same time, the defeated countries (which were mostly barely consulted), harboured immense grievances which rendered their domestic and foreign politics hostile and aggressive. Finally, the League of Nations, which had been created to settle unresolved conflicts and smooth out the problems of the peace settlement, was crucially weakened from the outset by the refusal of world's most powerful nation, the USA, to enter, as a result of an isolationist Congress. The instabilities created by the various peace settlements have often been seen as a direct cause of World War II. While it is true that Mussolini and Hitler came to power partly through exploiting the resentment caused by the Paris Peace Conference, it would be wrong to conclude that its outcome made World War II inevitable. There was a period of considerable calm and normalization in the 1920s, while it was the economic crises immediately after the war (1918–23) and during the Great Depression that made continental Europe so volatile and gave nationalist movements their potency.