Monday, August 30, 2010

An Unnoticed Fact

We quite often hear our elders’ saying that this generation is quite smart and ten times sharper than, what they were at this age. Nevertheless, even we often find our own selves asserting the same punch line; whenever, we find kids younger than us, either take us aback by their some action or some saying.

All in all, just yesterday, while I was at the local mall, I noticed a TV channel team interviewing mothers and young kids. The theme was on chauvinism and while questioning the mothers their perception about flood relief activities, the children were asked to sing any national song. Astoundingly, most of the children winded up singing an Indian movie based song or were merely unable to recall any national song. Most of the kids sung “Dhoom macha ley dhoom” or “singh is king”. Now does that sound bizarre to anyone? Or conceivably we are just too used to of this pattern that it doesn’t sound odd at all.

It is high time that we should initiate realizing that our values, our nationalism and our culture are all fading away. Why is it such a dilemma that our young generation is unaware of any national song? I remember the time, when each year, near to the independence day, national songs from Noor Jehan’s era to Junaid Jamshed’s all time classic; “Dil dil Pakistan” and other bands like Awaz, Junnon,strings etc, used to be on aired on the local channels. And this was just a decade back, but today all we hear and let our youngsters watch are the Indian movies and the Indian songs.

Most of these songs hold such strong and explicit lyrics that it sounds erroneous and awkward. But do we take any initiative against it and stop the kids from humming them? The saddening answer is that only a certain percent does so. Our values are nearly dying. And our generation is so influenced by either Indian or the western media, that the significance and enthusiasm for the national songs or even the Independence Day has lost color.

On the whole, we ought to take measures against the pro-Indian and pro-west influence and direct our youngsters towards national media as well. After all, kids have a juvenile mind and they learn and act as they observe or have been taught by their elders. We should eradicate the redundant foreign media impact on them. Certainly, it will be pleasant to view the youngsters singing the sweet, melodious and patriotic songs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A pitiful Episode

The recent episode of the devastation caused by the history’s most disparaging flood, has led to many sociological and economical issues. Not only that Pakistan has moved two or more decades back but, a lot of social, medical and emotional disparity has occurred.

Due to this catastrophe, many have lost their homes. It is indeed deplorable to see that women are in particular facing a lot of problems. Those who never paced out of their houses are now out on street, devoid of much to do as, even being able to cover their heads. They don’t have the facility of proper women sanitation.

The motive of writing this blog is to bring the women issues under the limelight. It is appalling to see that at an instance like this, when people have no shelter to cover their heads, no provision of a proper three times meal and they have been torn away from their families, lost property, suffering from emotional traumas, there are still some disgruntled elements, who instead of helping the ones facing the music or even fearing the Almighty, are making use of this occasion as a time to fulfill their illegal desires and carrying out the shameful deeds.

Sadly, it has been reported that in the areas of southern Punjab, the meals provided in the refugee camps aren’t safe for consumption. The flood victims are not only being traumatized by the loss of their properties only but the new uprising situation is that they are also on the verge of losing their respect, in the sense that some elements, are hosting the women and children trafficking business in those flood destructed areas.

The meals provided are mixed with tranquilizers. Hence, when families’ intake the food, they spontaneously become unconscious and these felons get the opportunity to kidnap the young girls and women. And later traffic them for the dirty businesses.

Hence, measures are now finally been taking my the rangers o test the food before its distribution, after several such cases took place, where after regaining consciousness, families realized the missing female members.

All in all, it is indeed the time for the people to realize that they should stand by the flood victims and shore up them instead of aggravating their wounds and causing additional traumas for them.

Friday, August 27, 2010

With Every New Crisis, Comes An Opportunity

In today’s era, where every other person seems to be engrossed in the rat race to excel in every aspect of his/her life and to attain colossal stacks of money, opulence and grandeur, even the mere mention of the word “crisis” places one on the tenterhooks. One and all aim to plain sail in their field; consequently crisis in any form will just a hindrance in the trail towards success.

A crisis can come about in any form, be it social, emotional, Political or financial. These crises affect a person pessimistically and at a massive scale, the entire nation. Financial and political predicaments are yet tone able; however, social and political ones take long to reconcile.

Conversely, worth noticing is the verity that even though the crisis only brings along unconstructiveness and pessimism but even at the hard times, a door to opportunity unlocks. Now this might sound quite idealistic to many but it indeed is a fact. Whenever awful times come, people become conscious and come face to face with their short comings or the basis which led to the crisis.

With every new crisis, comes the prospect for people to amalgamate, strengthen and surmount their flaws and failures. They learn to deal and cope with the unfavorable situations and to shun the potential revision of such circumstances. An instance can be cited from the earthquake calamity in Pakistan, in the year 2005. The natural disaster was a crisis but it united the entire nation and revived the spirit of brotherhood, care and concern for the fellow innate.

Hence, crisis doesn’t only causes emotional, social, political and financial disparity to an individual or in a nation but also leads to opportunities to discover new dimensions and aspects of life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Book review: P.S.I LOVE YOU-Cecilia Ahern.
By Nida Siddiqui

Holly is a young Irish woman who has just lost her husband. She struggles through the roller coaster of life. She struggles each morning to get herself up and to move on with her life. Everything around her reminds her of her beloved husband. She cuts herself away from any worldly contact, till she receives a call from her mother, saying that she has a package for Holly. She collects the package and realizes that it contained letters from her late husband that he wrote before his demise.
The package contained 10 letters with the instructions of how and what she was supposed to do in his absence. She was only permitted to open each letter on the 1st of every month. Cecilia Ahern, in her novel P.S, I love you, has beautifully written the feelings and emotions connected with every letter and how Holly takes the advice and moves on with her life. She regains herself, learns to live, finds a job, reconnects with her family and by the end of the series of the letters, finally struggles to keep herself getting indulged in a new romance.
In the end of each letter is the inscription by Garry (Holly’s husband): “P.S. I LOVE YOU”. Her husband wants her to be an independent lover of life. He wouldn't be disappointed if she went on to be happy without him.