In today’s era, where every other person seems to be engrossed in the rat race to excel in every aspect of his/her life and to attain colossal stacks of money, opulence and grandeur, even the mere mention of the word “crisis” places one on the tenterhooks. One and all aim to plain sail in their field; consequently crisis in any form will just a hindrance in the trail towards success.
A crisis can come about in any form, be it social, emotional, Political or financial. These crises affect a person pessimistically and at a massive scale, the entire nation. Financial and political predicaments are yet tone able; however, social and political ones take long to reconcile.
Conversely, worth noticing is the verity that even though the crisis only brings along unconstructiveness and pessimism but even at the hard times, a door to opportunity unlocks. Now this might sound quite idealistic to many but it indeed is a fact. Whenever awful times come, people become conscious and come face to face with their short comings or the basis which led to the crisis.
With every new crisis, comes the prospect for people to amalgamate, strengthen and surmount their flaws and failures. They learn to deal and cope with the unfavorable situations and to shun the potential revision of such circumstances. An instance can be cited from the earthquake calamity in Pakistan, in the year 2005. The natural disaster was a crisis but it united the entire nation and revived the spirit of brotherhood, care and concern for the fellow innate.
Hence, crisis doesn’t only causes emotional, social, political and financial disparity to an individual or in a nation but also leads to opportunities to discover new dimensions and aspects of life.
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