Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. It requires intellectual, innovative and explanatory form of thinking. Robert Ennis defined critical thinking as “a reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.”
The term “critical” is often give a negative connotation, however in context to critical thinking, the term critical has been derived from “criteria”. A criterion is generally to form perception about any subject matter and to be rational in forming an opinion about that matter. It requires questioning your own thinking and then providing answers and then believing the answers, one attains after a sound, reasonable, reflective and constructive thinking process.
In third world countries, likewise Pakistan, it often sounds perverse to mention critical thinking as a phenomenon to ponder over. A common man has a lot more to think over and worry about rather analyzing the causes of power failures or rate of inflation. His mind is captivated with the thoughts of what and how shall he feed his family or foot the bill.
However, critical thinking is a necessity in Pakistan. With the rising rate of inflation, natural calamities and economic loss, it’s high time for not only the authorities but also the common man to put on their thinking caps and to analysis the scenario. Critical thinking is indeed necessary in Pakistan as, it leads to new approaches and new insights. We shouldn’t just be focusing on the immediate effects of any inauspicious situation but instead, the reasons which led to the cause of any unfavorable situation.
For instance, the recent flood has caused a menace in the whole country. The recent flood has not only destroyed the villages in the southern Punjab, but has brought down the economy of the whole country to halt. Thousands have become homeless and the economy has faced a major set back as, not only the infrastructure has shattered as well as, farms, lands , livestock and cultivation have also been obliterated. At this point, the analyst should realize that the heavy rainfall wasn’t the cause of the flood that the dams overflowed. However, if the precautionary measures would have been taken beforehand, then the rain wouldn’t have been perceived as curse.
There are many other issues such as political instability, social instability, which requires brain storming. The question to be asked is not just why have any incident took place, Or why is the facing issues such as increasing crime rates, however, the aim of questioning should be how, why and what caused any incident and what measures should be taken ton eradicate such scenarios in future.
All in all, critical thinking holds immense importance in any society, it helps in reshaping the society to bring tranquility and justice. It also helps in establishing a democracy and for every member of a society to work and think critically for the betterment of the society.
Very well written. But as far as I know brainstorming would come in creative thinking rather than critical thinking. Critical thinking is related to cause/effect/solution etc. Whereas, brainstorming includes imagination, creativity, originality and so on.